Upcoming Earnings for Feb 5th 2025

Upcoming Earnings for Feb 5th 2025

* **Novo Nordisk** ([NVO](https://stocknear.com/stocks/NVO)) will report today before market opens. Analysts estimate 11.34B in revenue (-3.65% YoY) and $0.83 in earnings per share (17.07% YoY). * **Toyota Motor** ([TM](https://stocknear.com/stocks/TM)) will report today before market opens. Analysts estimate 78.36B in revenue (-3.86% YoY) and $4.36 in earnings per share (105.66% YoY). * **Walt Disney** ([DIS](https://stocknear.com/stocks/DIS)) will report today before market opens. Analysts estimate 24.55B in revenue (4.25% YoY) and $1.43 in earnings per share (17.21% YoY). * **Qualcomm** ([QCOM](https://stocknear.com/stocks/QCOM)) will report today after market closes. Analysts estimate 10.90B in revenue (9.86% YoY) and $2.97 in earnings per share (8.00% YoY). * **ARM Holdings** ([ARM](https://stocknear.com/stocks/ARM)) will report today after market closes. Analysts estimate 948.00M in revenue (15.05% YoY) and $0.34 in earnings per share (17.24% YoY). * **Uber Technologies** ([UBER](https://stocknear.com/stocks/UBER)) will report today before market opens. Analysts estimate 11.77B in revenue (18.46% YoY) and $0.48 in earnings per share (-27.27% YoY). * **TotalEnergies** ([TTE](https://stocknear.com/stocks/TTE)) will report today before market opens. Analysts estimate 42.77B in revenue (-27.80% YoY) and $1.84 in earnings per share (-14.81% YoY). * **Fiserv** ([FI](https://stocknear.com/stocks/FI)) will report today before market opens. Analysts estimate 4.96B in revenue (0.87% YoY) and $2.48 in earnings per share (13.24% YoY). * **MicroStrategy** ([MSTR](https://stocknear.com/stocks/MSTR)) will report today after market closes. Analysts estimate 122.73M in revenue (-1.41% YoY) and $0.06 in earnings per share (-89.29% YoY). * **O'Reilly Automotive** ([ORLY](https://stocknear.com/stocks/ORLY)) will report today after market closes. Analysts estimate 4.05B in revenue (5.69% YoY) and $9.76 in earnings per share (5.40% YoY).

If seeing this in Laravel makes you đŸ€ź, get Sentry.

If seeing this in Laravel makes you đŸ€ź, get Sentry.


Turkey saying turabi is a turk. But turabi born in athens and his dad is greek. Wine me dine me is a greek song!!

Can anyone help in humane labs

Hey. Could anyone help me in humane labs raid setups? I cant get anyone into them. I would be very happy. Im on ps4.

Google AI makes autonomous phone call enquiries for you

Google is currently testing an ai feature called 'ask for me' which can make enquiry phone calls on your behalf, similar to a personal assistant. I think its quite interesting and hopefully gets rolled into their final gemeni/google assistant AI. "To install it, go to Google Search Labs on either your desktop or mobile device, and install the “experiment” titled Ask for Me. Right now, there’s a waitlist" https://www.vice.com/en/article/googles-ask-for-me-ai-voice-makes-your-appointments/ What do you think?

Is that a proto-two-gun volley at the end? I always thought Isagi plays like a base Zlatan

Ibrahimović even fooled the camera guy đŸ€Ż

Day 28 of Daily Hiccstrid photo dumps

Mosy of theese are not Made by me i found them online (mainly pintrest and Instagram) and wanted to share them for everyone to enjoy

Battle camp tips reserves

Hi, am off to battle camp at Pirbright with reserves. Just wondering if anyone has any tips? Anything extra I need to bring? I don't have a spare iron or ironing board so checking whether that will be a major issue?

It took me 8 years to finish this show

8 years to get pass the first cour and two months to watch the rest. This show has a painfully slow start but I am thankful to myself for pushing through. This show is one of the best ever

Show us your Buyee haul and get a chance to win a coupon!

Hi everyone! We’re excited to announce our brand-new campaign—

"Bought From Buyee"!

If you’ve bought anything through Buyee recently, here’s your chance to share your haul and maybe win a 2,000 yen shipping coupon!

Here’s how to join: 1ïžâƒŁ Take a pic of your Buyee haul (something you bought within the last 3 months) 2ïžâƒŁ Add a short caption about your experience using Buyee 3ïžâƒŁ Make sure to use the "📩🎉 Buyee Haul" flair so we can find your post!

We’ll be picking 1 winner on Reddit, and the deadline to join is February 11, 2025. We’ll DM the winner once it’s all done!

If you have more hauls or stories to share, we’d love to see them!

"> Hi everyone! We’re excited to announce our brand-new campaign— "Bought From Buyee"! If you’ve bought anything through Buyee recently, here’s your chance to share your haul and maybe win a 2,000 yen shipping coupon! Here’s how to join: 1ïžâƒŁ Take a pic of your Buyee haul (something you bought within the last 3 months) 2ïžâƒŁ Add a short caption about your experience using Buyee 3ïžâƒŁ Make sure to use the "📩🎉 Buyee Haul" flair so we can find your post! We’ll be picking 1 winner on Reddit, and the deadline to join is February 11, 2025. We’ll DM the winner once it’s all done! If you have more hauls or stories to share, we’d love to see them!

2 cents on Carrie - Read till the end

First time watcher on season 4 ep 2 - please dont spoil Carrie reminds me of myself when I was 16, I too had a crush on someone, loved writing, scared of experimenting (e.g samantha and carrie) and was quite dellusional. It was only in my mid twenties that I developed self awareness (my frontal lobe was developing lol) but for some reason my inner child still relates to and roots for Carrie! We don't see her early life in the show which makes her become this way, and tbf this is a missed opportunity - except that one time her ex is introduced at miranda's date's wake where he turned out to be an a-hole which makes me think she because of her experiences with men doesn't have the best self esteem (something teens go through and struggle with in their early to mid twenties after which they develop self love and consequently self respect) Her journey with Big is i believe linked to her professional and personal achievements ! - wanting validation from someone who doesn't want you/is ashamed of you/I can change him/his mentality, is something I related to as a teen and as a kid, once that is met via career, academia, external validation in general (even if not fully) you get over it! I believe her career as compared to her friends is not as big, I mean an Ivy league grad + parnter, a PR Firm owner/ business powerhouse, An art gallery owner/old money, carrie kinda feels the need to prove herself. I think (and this is a big assumption) she got into writing a sex column just to become quirky and hip for NY, we don't know much about her education and bg but she only has a column, a few stylist friends etc but other than that she is on her own! She sees Big as a trophy - opportunity to be richer/as rich as her friends and I think this is why she wasn't as interested in Aiden who was a furniture owner and designer who unlike Big does not mind getting his hands dirty! I would love to hear other people's opinion on this! without bashing and attacking!

Kajagoogoo - Too Shy

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

La mĂ©diumnitĂ©, la voyance etc. devraient ĂȘtre illĂ©gales

Parce que: 1. C'est de l'escroquerie, de l'abus de faiblesse, de l'abus de confiance voire de la tromperie et de la diffusion de mauvaise information (je laisse le soin Ă  un avocat de me corriger) 2. C'est tout simplement dangereux Je vais prendre comme exemple mon histoire personnelle: il y a quelques annĂ©es, j'ai perdu un enfant. Quelques jours aprĂšs l'enterrement, un membre de ma famille m'a mis en contact avec un medium (plus exactement, lui a donnĂ© mon mail) et celui-ci m'avait Ă©crit qu'il pouvait entrer en communication avec mon enfant, qu'il le voyait faire de la balançoire et rigoler. Et me proposait une sĂ©ance Ă  40€. Je vous laisse juste imaginer deux secondes.... J'ai enterrĂ© mon enfant, je suis au fond du trou, chez moi je m’effondre devant chaque jouet et photo, et la il y'a un connard qui me dit qu'il le voit faire de la balançoire. C'est juste horrible... J'ai toujours su que c'Ă©tait de la connerie et je l'ai envoyĂ© se faire voir. Bien Ă©videment, plein de gens ont trouvĂ© bon aussi de me donner plein de livres sur le deuil, certains trĂšs biens d'ailleurs, qui m'ont permis de remonter la pente, mais surtout d'autres bourrĂ© d'Ă©sotĂ©risme et de connerie autour de l'Ăąme, de la vie aprĂšs la mort, d'Ă©nergie et j'en passe... Alors oui, dĂ©jĂ  d'une part je trouve ça scandaleux que ce genre d'individu veuille m'escroquer pour me mentir et profiter de ma faiblesse, vraiment ça ne devrait pas ĂȘtre autorisĂ©. Mais d'autre part, au delĂ  du business du truc qui tourne autour de l'exploitation de la faiblesse des gens, je trouve cette pratique extrĂȘmement dangereuse parce que: \- A ce moment de ma vie, le suicide Ă©tait clairement une option. Et vous avez... des gens... des livres... qui vous disent qu'en fait, votre (vos) proches dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©s, en fait ils sont pas parti, ils sont la dans une dimension parallĂšle, que quand vous mourrez en fait, ça continu. Vous voyez le problĂšme ? MĂȘme moi, d'un rationalisme plutĂŽt ancrĂ© dans ma personnalitĂ©, je me disais "donc si je me suicide, je vais le retrouver, rien ne me prouve que c'est vrai, mais de toute façon j'ai plus rien Ă  perdre"... C'est DANGEREUX !! \- Cela fait des annĂ©es que mon enfant est parti. GrĂące Ă  l'aide de professionnels (des psy, pas des mĂ©dium Ă  la con), j'ai remontĂ© la pente. Sauf que... Sauf que dans ma famille, les gens trĂšs affectĂ©s par sa disparition et qui sont plongĂ©s dans l’ésotĂ©risme, eux, n'ont pas fait le deuil. Ils en souffrent toujours, il ne sont pas passĂ© Ă  autre chose. Et j'avais rencontrĂ© d'autres personnes dans des groupes de paroles, qui avaient perdu un enfant, un mari/ une femme, et qui avait un pied si ce n'est les deux dans l'Ă©sotĂ©risme... Et bien... Ils ne remontent pas la pente. Parce que le seul argument de dire "oui mais si ça leur fait du bien", est un mensonge. Oui, quand on perd un proche, on s'accroche Ă  n'importe quoi, et j'en sais quelque chose... Et bien que sur le moment, imaginer pouvoir discuter avec fait du bien, sur le long terme c'est destructeur, car jamais vous ne passez Ă  autre chose. Vous vous enfermez dans le passĂ©, vous vous empĂȘchez de vous reconstruire et... au passage... dĂ©pensez votre thune. Et parfois beaucoup... Je prĂ©cise que dans le milieu de l'Ă©sotĂ©risme, certains peuvent claquer des milliers d'euros dans des trucs insensĂ©s.... Ça n'aide pas du tout, mĂȘme au tout dĂ©but pour faire tomber la douleur... non... Ça vient complĂ©tement dĂ©truire le processus du deuil. Je vais pas rentrer dans les dĂ©tails, mais la douleur elle est nĂ©cessaire... Mon enfant est parti il y a des annĂ©es, et je viens de croiser une personne du groupe de parole Ă  fond dans l’ésotĂ©risme, et je le vois, que cette personne ne s'est pas relevĂ©e, ne s'est pas reconstruite... Et ça m'a renvoyĂ© au fait que c'est vrai, les membres de ma famille dans l’ésotĂ©risme non plus... Ça m'a fait repenser Ă  tout ça, et confirmĂ© que oui, Ă  long terme c'est toujours aussi mauvais. Bref... Les gens ont le droit d'avoir des croyances. Et autant avant la perte de mon enfant, j'Ă©tais anti-croyance, autant ensuite, je me suis dis en vrai, je comprends... J'adhĂšre pas, mais je comprends le besoin pour certains... Mais c'est pas la croyance en elle mĂȘme le problĂšme, c'est les escrocs et les charlatans qui en profitent. Ça, ça devrait ĂȘtre interdit, c'est absolument immoral et dangereux ! Quant au fait que ce soit impopulaire comme opinion: Quand je vois les rayons entier sur l'Ă©sotĂ©risme dans les librairies, et la popularitĂ© des trucs autour de l'Ă©nergie et j'en passe... Je pense que l’ésotĂ©risme est devenu populaire en effet.

Where can i see the list of people that i follow (who i’m not mutuals with)

I usually like following people with similar taste or just seem interesting in general but it’s not like they always follow me back so what i’m asking is i can see who followed me back from the notification box but i cant see the ones i follow, is there a way to check that?

Higher or lower than 30 millions subscribers?

My friend and I both struggle with gambling addictions, and we made a fun bet regarding Vanoss' subscriber count. With the release of GTA 6, we’re betting whether he'll surpass 30 million subscribers in two months. I believe he might gain only a small number of subscribers, as many viewers will return for nostalgia rather than for the new generation of content. I’ve got 300$ on the line.

Bolt food the ‘B’ is for Brown!

Hi I’m just curious why is it every time I Order food the driver is Indian or Uzbek.. Why aren’t there more Latvian bolt delivery drivers? Is it that bolt doesn’t pay enough to satisfy Latvians? Latvians feel above such jobs or something else?

Trip to Bologna

Hi, I'm traveling to Bologna for 4 days and would appreciate some suggestions on how to organize my trip. Is one day enough for Bologna, and should I spend the remaining 3 days visiting nearby cities? I was recently in Milan and spent one day in Milan, the second day in Como, the third day in St. Moritz, and the fourth day back in Milan. We used local trains and metro for transportation. Any suggestions based on this itinerary?

The complete package

/r/worldnews - https://www.statnews.com/pharmalot/2025/02/04/animals-monkey-macaque-pharmaceuticals-research-canada-peta-cambodia/

/r/worldnews https://www.statnews.com/pharmalot/2025/02/04/animals-monkey-macaque-pharmaceuticals-research-canada-peta-cambodia/


POSITION: Financial Analyst / Underwriter, Executive Solutions - SOURCE: [NYASAJOB.COM](http://NYASAJOB.COM) ABOUT THE JOB The successful applicant will be passionate, and results oriented with the capability to build upon and foster relationships with new and existing broker clients. Specifically, the successful applicant will be responsible for both marketing and underwriting our suite of Specialty Insurance Solutions including Directors’ and Officers’ Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Fidelity, Fiduciary Liability, and Business office package policies. CLICK THIS LINK TO READ MORE AND APPLY [https://nyasajob.com/financial-analyst-underwriter-executive-solutions-toronto-Oy5eVlozbEP](https://nyasajob.com/financial-analyst-underwriter-executive-solutions-toronto-Oy5eVlozbEP) CHECK RECENT JOBS [https://nyasajob.com](https://nyasajob.com) At NyasaJob, new job opportunities are posted daily! Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance your career, our platform connects you with employers eager to find talent like yours. Don’t miss out—start exploring today and discover the career you’ve been waiting for!

/r/worldnews - https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/half-good-new-polish-chat-control-proposal-to-be-discussed-on-wednesday/

/r/worldnews https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/half-good-new-polish-chat-control-proposal-to-be-discussed-on-wednesday/

Tool advice for Europe/Portugal

Hi everybody. I'm moving to Portugal from the states. From 120/240 @ 60 Hz to 230 @ 50 Hz. I'm selling everything that has a motor so I will need to replace my power tools once I get there. I'm looking for advice on brands. Anyone have any experience with this? I would greatly appreciate any info. TIA!

Read firsthand observations from our front-line cyber responders and analysts. Get the report.

Read firsthand observations from our front-line cyber responders and analysts. Get the report.

How would you negotiate a pay rise in this situation?

*Background:* I work in tech as a software engineer. Site Reliability Engineer, specifically. My previous recent roles have been customer facing engineer roles with no real focus on long term projects. It was technically “support”, but it involved reading, writing, and understanding code for an enterprise suite of development tools. Mostly just some customer SWE has an issue; I come in and unfuck the mess or teach them how to unfuck it. Maybe write a bug fix here & there, a minor feature/enhancement from time to time, but it was mostly acting as a step-in systems engineer. Honestly this type of work can pay incredibly well, because not many people capable of engineering are willing to act as support. I took my current job because it’s given me the opportunity to join proper development sprints, start dedicating a much larger chunk of my time to feature development, and actually be able to own the solutions I produce. *The issue:* If you include stock options and benefits, I took around a $35k per year paycut for this job. I was dumb and didn’t factor these benefits into the new pay packet. My life situation changed drastically after starting (breakup), and I bought my own place. The mortgage is significantly higher than what I was paying in rent. Like, a lot higher. I’m starting to feel the squeeze. I have struggled to save and often am unable to spend anything the last 2 weeks of each month due to insufficient funds. My savings are in the property, so not accessible. It is what it is. My team have been incredibly patient in bringing me up to speed on everything. My manager is an absolute legend; I went through burnout post breakup while trying to buy a place and underperformed quite visibly but he’s been in my corner through thick and thin. He and the broader team are clearly dedicated to helping transition me into the role. Obviously I’m making contributions at 8 months. I am also good at identifying high visibility projects & making myself visible within them. But my manager is an SWE himself and I’m sure we both know there have been a few lacklustre months. It’s also worth noting that the team absolutely cannot afford to lose anyone right now. So without me, their work will get significantly harder. *TL;DR / The question (fucking FINALLY):* With less than a year, incredibly mixed performance, and being in a new field that sometimes requires a tiny bit of handholding (though again, I have also made a few significant contributions which were called out by senior management), how can I reasonably negotiate a raise?

8 years separated and my narcissistic baby daddy has the audacity to take me to court for full custody of my two daughters (13 & 11). Should I get a lawyer or will he be laughed out of court?

8 years separated and he has realised that his games don’t affect me anymore so he’s started working on my daughters. My ex husband makes his hatred of me known to his daughters clear and pokes fun out of me literally alllllllll day. He’s obsessed with me still. He’s brainwashed one of my daughters into thinking I’m a terrible person. She was an easy target because she’s the people pleaser out of my two daughters
 my other daughter (11) sees straight through him and doesn’t really want to see him anymore but she does love him and if she doesn’t go to his house she doesn’t see her big sister who she loves. I’m concerned he is having some kind of mental health crisis or is using drugs because the information I’m getting from my daughter when she goes to his house is out of control. He’s been saying a lot of ‘red pill bro’ stuff.. like racist, homophobic, trump supporting nonsense which seems out of character from the man I was married to (stuck with) for 16 years. I should point out that I am a great mum and provide my children with everything they need, physically and emotionally. I don’t yell and I try to teach them good old fashioned values and responsibility. He allows my daughters to have IG accounts and, sit on their phones all day and gives them as much money as they want to buy things off SHEIN etc. he also encourages them to play first person shooter games
 I don’t agree with that, but allow him to do what he wants when he has them
. I allow my children to play outside and he has a problem with that. He texts my daughter literally allllll day. If she doesn’t respond straight away she gets in trouble. He doesn’t allow me or my family access to their phones.. only him. He has major control issues
 The problem with now having to go to court is that common sense is telling me that he’ll be laughed out the door, but my ex husband is a very attractive and charming man who is great at getting his way. Historically speaking he’s gotten his way with eveythingggggggg and people look at me like a crazy person because I’m just the crazy lady
 nothing I say is true because ‘look at him
 he’s so handsome.. she’d have to be crazy to leave him’ Anyway, should I get a lawyer, if so can anyone recommend a good one in Perth?

/r/worldnews - https://www.reuters.com/world/us-military-plane-deporting-indian-immigrants-lands-india-reuters-witness-says-2025-02-05/

/r/worldnews https://www.reuters.com/world/us-military-plane-deporting-indian-immigrants-lands-india-reuters-witness-says-2025-02-05/

New Poll for 05/2/2025 09:40:12

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