RRIDs were included in the International Journal of Biological Sciences paper "Oncogenic RARγ isoforms promote head and neck cancer proliferation thro…
Hello all!
I’m from the southern U.S. please be patient with me as I’m not very good at describing myself. I currently work full time. I’m also considering going back to school again soon. I spend most of my free time working on cars, or at the gym. I love all kinds of music and am open to new suggestions!
I hope to hear from you soon!
Anyone around the 251 area that would want to swap trunks? I’ve seen some owners who prefer the N-line trunk instead of the N. I got the N-line and prefer the N trunk. Lmk if anyone is interested in a swap. Got 2024 intense blue.
Hi! This is my first time buying something from facebook marketplace, and I was just talking with the seller and they were allowing the item to ship. But right now, I'm really anxious since a lot of posts talk about how easy it is to get scammed as a buyer, especially from shipping. So I was just wondering what precautions I should take.
Chat Logs: [https://imgur.com/a/rbkkjeg](https://imgur.com/a/rbkkjeg)
Thank you for hearing me out.
Religion shouldn't be the only reason people gather once a week to think about life and spend time with each other reflecting - and gossiping ;)
So here we are, creating this online (for now). Maybe one day this will become a short podcast or show we can listen to and share each week, but for now, please share with your fellow Rebels once thing that made you think this week.
1. Keep it brief! Just a passage from a book, not a chapter! A section of YouTube video, not that whole thing, etc. Insta posts, Tike Toks, articles, newsletters, all welcome.
2. Check out other people's posts and reflect and comment on them - let's share this journey
3. Join us every week! Try and join us in the morning :)
When we say a market is saturated we usually mean that the market has too many players. But I like to call these markets cluttered. Because there are very few winners in the clutter.
So how can one establish themselves as a winner in a market. What are strategies or mindsets required to break through a market.
For example: the Indian clothing market is very cluttered. But, all other markets are also approaching a state of clutter since there is a rise in entrepreneurship in the market.
Please can we discuss what entering a saturated market means.
Did you get your BFP? Tell us about it! Additional details like what number child you were trying for and your cycle information (including cycle information for previous children) would be much appreciated but are not required.
Prior grads have started a [gradsofTFA](https://www.reddit.com/r/gradsofTFA/) subreddit, and we run a biweekly grads thread. The gradsofTFA subreddit is private but you can send a modmail using desktop or you can directly message moderators [DreamsofCheesecake](https://www.reddit.com/user/DreamsofCheesecake/) or [youcango-now](https://www.reddit.com/user/youcango-now/) to be added. Please keep us posted on your progress!