Many start SR for the external benefits, the attraction, the energy, the manifestation ability. What is happening is that more of “you” as in the REAL you, your spirit, is coming into your body and energy field. The more you reflect on your day to day life and ask yourself “why do I do this thing”, and question if it is really authentic to you, and choose the more authentic choice, the more you will align with your highest nature. This allows the energy SR gives you to flow, to be alchemized. Who we actually are, and what we are here to bring, will give us the abundance, the love, and the fulfillment we desire. That’s what this retention energy is asking us to do.
This path is virtuous. It’s challenging. But do you think we came here to do fuck-all? Did we come here to be born, get programmed by our parents and society, get a job that pays but kills our soul, jerk off and scroll on our phones, have a family, and die? No. We came here with a mission, as men, to achieve. There is something within all of us waiting to be unlocked that only we, as the individual, can give to the world. Nobody else can do your divine mission as well as you can.
So do the hard stuff, get out of your comfort zone. This is not all sunshine and rainbows. The people you once held close will no longer recognize you, and they may start to dislike you. The old you has to die for the higher version of you to be born. All your old beliefs, habits, thoughts, your relationships built on a foundation of glass, they will have to go. But you are trading this in for god. For a life so beautiful you can’t even see it from the vantage point of your old self. You will trade being liked for being loved. You will trade being tolerated for being seen. You will trade a hive mind for your fierce authenticity. And the people that are meant to be in your highest life? The universe will send them to you in divine timing.
It’s time to wake up. You are a man, and you came here to live fully. To experience struggle, success, failure, and triumph. To know rejection, and to know acceptance. Most will let fear take hold, they’ll hide their light. They will suppress who they are their whole life, and trade in society’s bullshit acceptance for their inner power. This can be practiced. Say what you want to say, call it out when your intuition is telling you you’re being manipulated. Laugh when you feel like laughing. Cry when you feel like crying. Tell someone you admire that you admire them. But do it with kindness and integrity. As Jordan Petersen said, become the monster first and then learn to tame it.
And understand succumbing to your old ways is always an option. That vicious cycle of pleasure and pain will always be there for you. If you do succumb, use it to strengthen your will to change. They say the road to heaven feels like hell, and the road to hell feels like heaven. You decide. Will you allow your will to be bent by the world, or will you let the world bend to your will?
By - Atomicbubble1